Thursday, December 6, 2012

Portfolio #3

In the last post I was talking about creating a portfolio using CarbinMade or Wordpress as examples. Now I will cover what you should have in your portfolio!
Now when you create your portfolio there are some things that you need to make sure to include:

  • Only your work (if others helped in your work credit them)
  • Your skills and past experience
  • References
  • Interviews that you were a part of
  • Recommendations (if you have them)
Obviously you need to only show your work, but if you created a project that multiple people on it, be sure to give each person credit! As for your skills, and experience, this should be anything that relates to what your portfolio is about.
Now comes the tricky part, references, normally this covered with LinkedIn or some other professional networking site. If you don't currently have a LinkedIn, get one, and start adding contacts, it is a really easy way to find some great connections to any industry! But for now if you don't have your profile made and really need a portfolio, send your references a quick email asking if you can actually reference them, employers may contact them! 
If you have had any interviews or press coverage of you or work that you were a crucial part of go ahead and include it! More media references that better! (As long as they are positive of course)

Remember when you were applying for college and someone said something about recommendation letters? Yeah they still count for the career aspect too. If you can get recommendation letters from people in your career you can start building your cred-ability. Your portfolio is to speak about yourself and your achievements with out you actually having to be there. 

In the next few posts I have some interviews with current Indie developers in the industry! 

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